Tagged 東奥日報

Browsing all posts tagged with 東奥日報

  • 2019年5月23日
  • By admin
  • 「めぐる文様」Fractal Structures – a life emerging from newspapers 2019 はコメントを受け付けていません
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「めぐる文様」Fractal Structures – a life emerging from newspapers 2019

Fractal Structures
a life emerging from newspapers

Date: May 3-June 16, 2019
Open: 9:00-18:00 (Last admission at 17:30)
Venue: To-o Nippo Shinmachi Building 3F, New’s Hall
(2-2-11, Shimmachi, Aomori Shi, Aomori Ken, Japan)
Tickets: 600yen / Free for elementary and junior high school students